extra mile

This is a guest post and appeal by BBC Breakfast presenter Louise Minchin, who, incidentally, happens to be my father-in-law's favourite person on the tele. He honestly never stops talking about her. In fact, he could probably get his own show because he never stops talking full stop.Hello, I am Louise Minchin from BBC Breakfast and Ben asked me to tell you about a big bike ride I am doing this weekend to raise money for Child Bereavement UK and the RNLI.You may remember a ski boat accident in Cornwall last year when a father and daughter, Nicko and Emily Milligan were killed. My nine-year-old daughter, Scarlett, was in Emily's class at school and the whole family are good friends of ours, so it was a big shock for us all.In their memory 125 of us are cycling from Padstow to London to raise money for both charities. Victoria, Emily's mum, who was herself badly injured in the accident, says that over the last year Child Bereavement UK has given them all incredible help and support when they really needed it.Three hundred miles seems like a long way right now, but I hope by doing it we will help other families in tragic circumstances.If you want to see how I get on, you can follow me on twitter @louiseminchin and you can sponsor me by clicking this link. Many thanks for reading and for all your support.Louise20140619-164720-60440384.jpg


summer sabbatical


something yellow