poster girl

This is a guest post by Nancy Linihan and is the third in this blog’s Inspiring Friends series. At my wife's funeral I gave a eulogy entitled Being DesreenThroughout the tribute I invited the congregation to keep Desreen's memory alive by being more like her. With help and contributions from friends and family I listed the many qualities that made her so special to us all. Afterwards, her best friend asked if she could have a copy. At that moment it occurred to me how nice it would be to be able to turn something so inherently sombre into something uplifting that people could refer to with a smile on their face and not just a tear in their eye. In today's visual guest post, my friend Nancy has made this happen by designing a poster that combines my words and a beautiful, happy picture of Desreen. It may be a little hard to read online but printed off at A4 size you'll be able to see every heartfelt word.Thanks so much, Nancy xmarch1_upload


male pride


smiley faces