birthday girl

It's my wife's birthday; Desreen was born 34 years ago today. I'm struggling so much this week and, for once, a little lost for words. So here's a selection of pictures of her looking beautiful (and daft) on her birthdays over the years.Happy birthday, Dessie. Thank you for all the incredible gifts you left behind. I'll speak for our son, our families, our friends and myself when I say we all love and miss you so much xxx27, Holborn with her best mates Marianne and Caroline.30, Beach Blanket Babylon with her brother Anthony. 30, in our flat with a gift to match the pig snout mug she bought be for Valentine's Day.33, Shoreditch House birthday cheesecake. 30, Shoreditch House with her mum, Bev.30, Shoreditch House.30, Miller's Residence. 33, birthday brownies at work.33, a birthday nap at Shoreditch House.33, Century, her last ever birthday photo and still making me smile.


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