what if

What if we'd never left home that day,
What if we'd travelled a different way.
What if we'd gone by taxi not train,
What if we'd only had starter not main.
What if I'd worn pink and you'd worn blue,
Would I have been taken instead of you?
What if you and I had fought that day,
What if we'd both had cross words to say.
What if we'd spoken in anger not love,
What if I'd prayed harder to God above.
What if His attention were on me and you,
Would a different three now just be two?
What if you'd drunk red and I'd drunk white,
What if we'd played different music that night.
What if I'd been ill the day before,
What if we'd never walked out that door.
What if the street had a different name,
Would things have worked out just the same?
What if our horoscopes had said 'take care',
What if they'd told us 'don't go there'.
What if we'd both known something was wrong,
What if we'd both known all along.
What if we'd known we had just eight years,
Would four have been laughter and four have been tears?
What if the skies were yellow not blue,
What if you were me and I were you.
What if a butterfly hadn't fluttered its wings,
What if 'what ifs' could change these things.
What if 'what ifs' could make things right,
Would 'what ifs' have been there that night?
What if you and I had one more day,
What if I could do anything to make you stay.
What if our son could hold your hand,
What if we could help him understand.
What if the three of us could be back together,
Would I ever leave your sides? Not I. Not ever.
What if our son could hold your hand? What if we could help him understand?

long division


the truth