park life

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how sad I felt seeing my son so happy in the park. About how his first joyous experience of a bouncy castle made me feel so acutely aware of his loss. The melancholy set in as I thought about how much his mummy, who loved nothing more than to see him happy, was missing out.But today we returned to the same spot and he was even happier than the time before. The sun was shining, the weather was hot and there were happy families everywhere. And today, I'm pleased to say, we were one of them. Diminished but somehow managing to smile, to laugh and to show how much we love one another.Who knows how we'll feel the next time we go? Perhaps the rain will fall and another storm of grief will set into our souls. But then that'll be another day. And I guess I'm starting to learn to appreciate what we have today rather than worrying too much about what we may or may not have tomorrow.


grief encounter


broken bones