five months

Today marks five months since my wife was killed. It's also three months since I started writing this blog and by this time next week our son will be two and a half. This sonnet (of sorts) explains how I feel about the passage of time since Desreen's untimely death. 

So-not 5

Set not my life on your watch,

Measure me not in time I pray,

My heart has moved on not a notch,

Not five months, no, one long painful day.

Hold not your breath for progress,

Your lungs will not survive the test,

See not my smile as success,

Not five months, no, just empty time bereft.

Forget me not if you don’t see me,

I flower not, I’m but a seed,

A new season it will not be,

Not five months, no, a harsh winter, indeed.

Set not my life on your watch, expect time to neither take nor give,

Put not my heart before your own, I beg, make time to love and live.

Living and loving. Me and Desreen on our wedding day.


tank engines


saying sorry