guest posts

Monday 3rd February will mark four weeks since launched. In that short space of time the blog has already seen a quarter of a million views, connected many widowers who felt lost or alone, challenged all kinds of people to open up about their feelings of loss and instigated countless conversations about grief.An entirely inevitable subject, which I believe has long been too taboo to mention, is making people talk.I've been pretty vocal on the matter. I've written 30-odd posts in less than a month. I've penned features for the national press. I've spoken openly on TV and radio shows throughout the weeks. I've shared the experiences that my son and I are going through in an attempt to help people in similar situations find empathy and understanding during the most confusing and isolating of times.But what do I know?I've only been grieving the loss of my wife for 11 weeks. My grief is raw, my experiences new and my feelings change constantly throughout every single day. I can't offer advice or counsel to the people who visit my blog because I have neither the answers nor the expertise. I'm not even blessed with the gift of hindsight as yet. All I have are stories of the here and now.Which is why I've decided to launch guest posts from this week. I'm opening up the blog as a channel for people who know much more than me to share their stories about how they've dealt with loss.Regardless of the authors' qualifications, experience or status, each post will offer a personal insight into bereavement.They may offer advice from people who are qualified to dish it out.They may offer wisdom from people kind enough to share.But most of all I hope they offer hope.Keep reading...N.B. If you would like to pen a guest post, please contact me directly either via email, Facebook or Twitter. All details can be found on the home page. Thank you. 


packing up


accepting help