new year

This is a Facebook post from my personal account that I wrote just before midnight on New Year's Eve. 2012. Almost half of our son's life. Our first (and only) wedding anniversary. Tickets to the athletics at the Olympics that very same special day. The year Jackson discovered he loved a little plastic train called Thomas more than most human beings. The pride I felt in witnessing my wife start her own fashion business with an old friend. The humanist wedding of the year. A new job and a big promotion. Unforgettable holidays with some of our best friends. Countless great times with all of them. Beautiful babies born who don't yet know how lucky they are to have inherited such top friends.And then tragedy and loss that has touched so many lives.But it would be a disservice to my wife to say 2012 was a completely shit year.In October Desreen asked me to buy Jackson a commemorative London 2012 five pound coin as a memento of an amazing year that he wouldn't remember but that we could explain that he was a part of.It just struck me that we can follow that same gesture of remembrance into 2013 and beyond for his sake.So yes, it was the year his mum died, but it was also a year when she had the opportunity to show him how much she loved him every day. And it was the year she always put him first.So for those who continue to be part of his life, let's focus on the good times we all shared this year. I know he'll come to cherish the memories as much as we do.Love to you all for 2013. Here's to remembering the good times and planning new ones xx


big boys


open letter