feeling proud

I am immensely proud of my wife, perhaps more so now than ever before.When I wrote her eulogy, Being Desreen, I asked people to help me and Jackson in the future simply by being more like her. I suggested a number of ways they could do this as a kind of shopping list of her wonderful character traits, hobbies and habits.I just can't tell you how many people have been in touch to tell me that they are working their way through the list or adopting some of the ideas as New Year's resolutions. An old friend of my brother's (and I guy I rarely see) even asked my permission to print the list out and put it up on the wall in his home so he and his family could always remember Desreen after her death and remind themselves to appreciate everything they have in life.I designed this blog primarily to help blokes who have lost their wives face their grief and understand what they can do to help their kids. I smiled when I literally ran into a friend on Oxford Street today (I'm training for a half marathon) who told me that she was effectively becoming Desreen, because I knew that one day I'd be able to tell my son exactly what she was like. Even if anything happens to me or I lose my marbles, he'll still have the words. So my advice is write it all down now for your kids while you still can. It might be difficult and you don't need to do it in one go, but they will ask questions one day and I'm sure they will cherish the answers.


little treasures


poor daddy