condensing grief

This one is short and anything but sweet.One of the most difficult aspects of the grieving process is perhaps the most obvious. It's trying to come to terms with the fact that you will never ever see, touch, smell or hear the person you've lost again.If another breed of human being that didn't come fitted with grief emotions existed and could see us spending as long as we do trying to get our heads round that, they would probably consider us irrational - it's just seems too straightforward.But how can we quickly accept that truth after loss when it causes so much pain, numbness, shock and confusion?This is a lesson I learned not from the death of my wife (I don't claim to know anything about how I feel about that yet), but from the death of a friend ten years ago.When it comes to Desreen I find myself having to say, "never ever again", in my head just to try and suppress the futile hope.


posthumous gestures


grieving toddlers